01) First name: Iara
02) Your nickname : Iru
03) Birthday: February 18
04) Horoscope sign: Aquiarius
05) Birth town: Bs As
06) Religion: Non
07) Nationality: Argentinian and Spanish
08) Parents: Mommy & Daddy
09) Do you love them: Yep
10) Brothers or sisters: one older Brother,Juan Cruz (L)
11) Do you like the place where you live: I guess
12) Hair color: Dark Brown
13) Color of your eyes: Brown,sometimes dark sometimes not,& and sometimes Green.
14) Height: 1,60
15) Weight: -
16) What school/grade are you going to: 1ero. Polimodal
17) What marks do you have: Non yet
18) Do you work anywhere: No
19) What do you want to be in your life: Happy
20) Your life: OK ,guess
21) Personal quote: "There's no rush" "Good things will come when you lees expect them"
22) Lucky number: 7
23) What are you interested in: Writing and photograph
24) Good side of your character: Funny
25) Bad side of it: ehh, bad Temper
26) Is your life happy: Most of the time
27) Do you think that you are crazy: Ofcourse
28) What is the time: 5:44 PM
29) What is the date: April 11, 2008
30) What's the weather like: About to rain
31) Favourite day in a week: Friday Saturday
32) Favourite music: Rock, Metal & Punk I guess
34) Band: Lots
35) Song: Hm...oh boy,Don't knwo
36) Best concert you have been: MCR
37) Actress: I don't know
39) Film: The Shinning
40) TV serial: Gossip Girl, Friends, ER, Dexter, Pushing Daisys,Cane, The L Word,Cold case, LOST!!!!!, SKins...I can continue
41) Theatre play: ...
42) Film director: Tim Burton
43) Do you want to be famous: Wishh
44) Do you want to be an actor/actress: no
45) Do you want to be a singer: yes
46) Book: hehehe,
47) Colors: Green, Yellow, Strawberry-red,
49) Food:
50) Drink: Water
51) Sweet: All
52) Fruit: Apples
53) The worst food: MEAT
54) The Worst drink: Bagio,
55) The worst Singer:haha so many
56) The worst Band: SIMPLE PLAN!
57) The worst Actor: Can't think of ONE right now
58) The worst Actress: The same
59) The worst Movie: Fuck, so Many
60) The worst book: I hate the Harry Potter books...
61) Do you drink alchocol: Sometimes
62) Do you smoke: Used to
63) Do you take some drugs : no
64) What do you adore to wear: T-shirts, Jean skirts and stockins
65) Do you think you're pretty: Not really
66) What languages do you speak:Spanish, English and some japanesse
67) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/male: Dante,Jack Nicholson, Jensen Ackles and all of my loves.
68) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/female:My friends and MK.
71) 5 your best friends on dA/male: ~Ryu-tso ~charlieboythe1st uh..those are the only two screennames I can remember at the top of my head XD
79) Are you in love?: No :(
80) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
81) How does he/she looks like: Who knows
83) When was your Very First Kiss: When I was 6
84) How was it: IDK :(
87) E-mail addess: Iara991@hotmail.com
88) Do you have something against gays: NOT AT ALL
89) The best experience in your life: Japan
90) The worst experience in your life: Oh...
91) When were you the happiest: Everytime I think about my friends
93) When were you the saddest: dunno
94) Who do you want to go on deserted island with: Fanny
95) Do you have a secret: It's a secret
96) What would you do if you were invisible for one hour: Watch people
97) Who do you want to get stuck in a lift with: WTF?
98) Do you have an idol: Nicole Morgan. I love her to death D=
99) If the world goes to apocalypse, and you can save only one person, who will that be: I'd rather die with all of my friends than hold the guilt of just saving one.
100) Tag 5 of your friends!!! And let them answer the quiz:
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Hola si mi nombre es Iara, no lara ,iara con i latina :)