beat it up chuck it in her chuck your junk in her sex charles it in her elbows knock the bottom out of it pointeeh pointi pointy pointy elbows stick it to her tear that ass up

lunes, abril 28

Que nos ahoguemos en ese inocente humo nuestro

Quiero estar en tus malas.
Quiero hablar con vos.
Quiero que nos saquemos fotos,nos riamos ,verte dibujar y que fumemos.
Quiero ser la causa de tu insoportable pero reconfortante risa,y
quiero estamparte una sonrisa en tu cara.
Quiero que seamos esas dos personas que eramos,
esos dos nombres que siempre iban juntos.
Quiero que me cuentes tus problemas,escucharte,tratar de ayudarte.Pero mas que nada,
quiero estar ahi.
Quiero que sepas,quien eras vos para mi y en quien te convertiste ahora.
Quiero que nos ahoguemos en ese inocente humo nuestro.

sábado, abril 26

domingo, abril 20

domingo, abril 13

Real Retro Fahion

Butter Pop

Me lo regaló mi mamá el jueves despúes del dentista.
Tiene olo a Pop Corn :D, de verdad.
Según la caja:

Nombre: Butter Pop
Nacimiento: Septiembre
Flor favorita: Buttercup
Hobbie: Ir al cine con sus amigos.


sábado, abril 12

viernes, abril 11

100 Questions

01) First name: Iara
02) Your nickname : Iru
03) Birthday: February 18
04) Horoscope sign: Aquiarius
05) Birth town: Bs As
06) Religion: Non
07) Nationality: Argentinian and Spanish
08) Parents: Mommy & Daddy
09) Do you love them: Yep
10) Brothers or sisters: one older Brother,Juan Cruz (L)
11) Do you like the place where you live: I guess
12) Hair color: Dark Brown
13) Color of your eyes: Brown,sometimes dark sometimes not,& and sometimes Green.
14) Height: 1,60
15) Weight: -
16) What school/grade are you going to: 1ero. Polimodal
17) What marks do you have: Non yet
18) Do you work anywhere: No
19) What do you want to be in your life: Happy
20) Your life: OK ,guess
21) Personal quote: "There's no rush" "Good things will come when you lees expect them"
22) Lucky number: 7
23) What are you interested in: Writing and photograph
24) Good side of your character: Funny
25) Bad side of it: ehh, bad Temper
26) Is your life happy: Most of the time
27) Do you think that you are crazy: Ofcourse
28) What is the time: 5:44 PM
29) What is the date: April 11, 2008
30) What's the weather like: About to rain
31) Favourite day in a week: Friday Saturday
32) Favourite music: Rock, Metal & Punk I guess
34) Band: Lots
35) Song: Hm...oh boy,Don't knwo
36) Best concert you have been: MCR
37) Actress: I don't know
39) Film: The Shinning
40) TV serial: Gossip Girl, Friends, ER, Dexter, Pushing Daisys,Cane, The L Word,Cold case, LOST!!!!!, SKins...I can continue
41) Theatre play: ...
42) Film director: Tim Burton
43) Do you want to be famous: Wishh
44) Do you want to be an actor/actress: no
45) Do you want to be a singer: yes
46) Book: hehehe,
47) Colors: Green, Yellow, Strawberry-red,
49) Food:
50) Drink: Water
51) Sweet: All
52) Fruit: Apples
53) The worst food: MEAT 
54) The Worst drink: Bagio,
55) The worst Singer:haha so many
56) The worst Band: SIMPLE PLAN!
57) The worst Actor: Can't think of ONE right now
58) The worst Actress: The same
59) The worst Movie: Fuck, so Many
60) The worst book: I hate the Harry Potter books...
61) Do you drink alchocol: Sometimes
62) Do you smoke: Used to
63) Do you take some drugs : no
64) What do you adore to wear: T-shirts, Jean skirts and stockins
65) Do you think you're pretty: Not really
66) What languages do you speak:Spanish, English and some japanesse
67) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/male: Dante,Jack Nicholson, Jensen Ackles and all of my loves.
68) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/female:My friends and MK.  
71) 5 your best friends on dA/male: ~Ryu-tso ~charlieboythe1st uh..those are the only two screennames I can remember at the top of my head XD
79) Are you in love?: No :(
80) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
81) How does he/she looks like: Who knows  
83) When was your Very First Kiss: When I was 6
84) How was it: IDK :(
87) E-mail addess:
88) Do you have something against gays: NOT AT ALL
89) The best experience in your life:  Japan
90) The worst experience in your life: Oh...
91) When were you the happiest: Everytime I think about my friends
93) When were you the saddest: dunno
94) Who do you want to go on deserted island with: Fanny
95) Do you have a secret: It's a secret
96) What would you do if you were invisible for one hour: Watch people
97) Who do you want to get stuck in a lift with: WTF?
98) Do you have an idol: Nicole Morgan. I love her to death D=
99) If the world goes to apocalypse, and you can save only one person, who will that be: I'd rather die with all of my friends than hold the guilt of just saving one.
100) Tag 5 of your friends!!! And let them answer the quiz:

jueves, abril 10


Sorry,I fucking love them.

miércoles, abril 9

Don't even think about what's right or wrong or wrong or right

Don't even think about what's right or wrong or wrong or right

lunes, abril 7

Funny Comercials

Si si, muy estupidos, y yo muy al pedo.

domingo, abril 6
