beat it up chuck it in her chuck your junk in her sex charles it in her elbows knock the bottom out of it pointeeh pointi pointy pointy elbows stick it to her tear that ass up

sábado, julio 11

lunes, julio 6

domingo, julio 5

Encontre un monton de Rolling Stones de los 90', casi me muero cuando las vi .

Estuve una hora torturandoa  mi hermano y mi mama para comprar sushi, y logre que fueramos al barrio chino :)

Today's Playlist:

  • Like Knives- The Fashion
  • Rollercoaster- Sleater-Kinney
  • Then you kiss- I Hate Kate
  • Hourglass- The Hush Sound

jueves, julio 2

Whoever put on this music

I'm in a such a good mood today, it's soooo weird, I'm so  bored but still I feel like runing in the streets and hugging anyone who passes by.

I want a bunny and a unicorn, I want to eat cupcake, popcorn, milshakes and capuccinos.

It's that time of year,
Leave all our hopelessnesses aside (if just for a little while)
Tears stop right here,
I know we've all had a bumpy ride (I’m secretly on your side)
