beat it up chuck it in her chuck your junk in her sex charles it in her elbows knock the bottom out of it pointeeh pointi pointy pointy elbows stick it to her tear that ass up

martes, febrero 5

if i were

Lo encontre en DA y estaba aburrida, si despues sigo aburrida lo tradusco :3

1.- If I were a fruit I'd be...   Apple

2.- If I were a colour I'd be... Green & Pink

3.- If I were an animal I'd be... Cat

4.- If I were a domestic appliance I'd be... Computer :3

5.- If I were a book I'd be... Ommgg, So many U.U

6.- If I were a clothing item I'd be...  Shoes 

7.- If I were a jewel I'd be... Diamond ^^

8.- If I were an object I'd be... A book

9.- If I were a car I'd be... Fitito <3><><

17.- If I were public transport I'd be...a subway Yei

18.- If I were a song I'd be... I can't yhink of ONE

19.- If I were a movie I'd be... The Shining (L)

20.- If I were a season I'd be...  Autumn

21.- If I were a flower I'd be... Tulipan

22.- If I were a job I'd be... Fashion Designer (L)x10000000000

23.- If I were a cartoon I'd be...  SM 4 ever

24.- If I were a place I'd be...  JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN

25.- If I were a gift I'd be... a song

26.- If I were a memory I'd be... Memorable

27.- If I were a city I'd be... TOKYO TOKYO TOKYO TOKYO TOKYO TOKYO

28.- If I were a sense I'd be...  Sound :)

29.- If I were a game I'd be... Sims 2 hahahahaahahha

30.- If I were a candy I'd be... I don't know, it's been months since I last Ate a candy :/ Can't think of one :S

31.- If I were a time of the day I'd be...Midnight

32.- If I were an invention I'd be...the cellphone

33.- If I were a bodypart I'd be...Eyes 0.0

34.- If I were a country I'd be...J A P A N Asshole

35.- If I were a flavor I'd be...  creamy :3

36.- If I were a sport I'd be...  Omgg.....

37.- If I were a smell I'd be... Gasoline Hel yes! haha emm... Chocolate :$

38.- If I were a subject I'd be... romantic :)

39.- If I were a flag I'd be...  Flaggy x3

40.- If I were a building I'd be... a Book store

41.- If I were a month I'd be...  April

42.- If I were a perfume I'd be... I Love Love By Moschino ( IA HAVE IT I HAVE IT MINE MINE MINE)

43.- If I were a gummy candy I'd be...The Worm Jellos (Viboritas)

45.- If I were a toy I'd be... A plushie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

46.- If I were a textile I'd be... Soft and wormy and confortable and good smelling .

47.- If I were a shape I'd be...a stick / ^^

48.- If I were a answer I'd be... "Yes, you ca"

49.- If I were a common liquorice I'd be...  Rum

50.- If I were a word I'd be... Classy, Hope, Joy Sweet

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Hola si mi nombre es Iara, no lara ,iara con i latina :)
