Städfirman – ditt försvar mot dammråttorna
Hace 7 meses
Encontre un monton de Rolling Stones de los 90', casi me muero cuando las vi .
Estuve una hora torturandoa mi hermano y mi mama para comprar sushi, y logre que fueramos al barrio chino :)
Today's Playlist:
I'm in a such a good mood today, it's soooo weird, I'm so bored but still I feel like runing in the streets and hugging anyone who passes by.
I want a bunny and a unicorn, I want to eat cupcake, popcorn, milshakes and capuccinos.
It's that time of year,
Leave all our hopelessnesses aside (if just for a little while)
Tears stop right here,
I know we've all had a bumpy ride (I’m secretly on your side)